Penance Link 13


Confession in Sir Gawain

On the night before he is to meet the Green Knight, the hero tells his sins to the priest: he confesses because he is putting himself in danger. This episode is found in Book Three, after he has received the green girdle from Lady Bercilak and just before he sets out for his encounter with the Green Knight.

But Gawain does not tell his confessor that he has broken his promise to his host to exchange winnings with him. Gawain is supposed exchange his gains each day with his host, Bercilak, but Gawain keeps the green girdle a secret.

Many scholars have argued about the validity of Gawain's confession. Is it a sin that he fails to confess possession of the green girdle, the existence of which he has also hidden from Bercilak? Or is this not really a serious offense? Explain you reasoning.
