Penance Link 4

The Psychology of Confession

Here is an excerpt from the introduction to the Scriftboc that tells how the priest is to receive the penitent in confession.

"When one goes to one's confession, he shall prostrate himself before him with utmost fear of God and humility, and in a weeping voice beg him to prescribe for him penance for all those faults that he has committed against God's will; and he shall confess to him his misdeeds, so that the priest may know what kind of penance he should prescribe for him."

"Then the priest must ask him what belief he has in God, and must charge and warn him variously concerning his soul's need and say thus: "Do you believe in God the Almighty and in the Son and in the Holy Spirit? "Do you believe that all men must arise from death on the Last Day? "Do you regret all the evil you have done, said, and thought? "Will you forgive each of those who have ever offended you?

"If he says, "I am willing," then say to him, "May God forgive you and grant me grace so that I may. Fast each day in Lent to the ninth hour and abstain from special foods ("white food": that is, foods exclusive of meat) and guard against the eight chief sins so that you do not commit them. . . .

" . . .they are murder and theft and false oaths and avarice and fornication and gluttony and calumny and false witness; and keep the twelve Ember Days that are in the year and guard yourself against witchcraft and magic (poison) arts and fornication and detraction [slander] and pride and covetousness of other men's possessions; guard yourself against all these things; and love your Lord with your whole mind and with all your might and all your power and steadfastly with your whole inner heart, and be generous to the poor and gentle and charitable and diligent in attending church and giving tithes to God's church and to the poor. "
