Chapter 18 Answers


1. Hwæt sceal ic singan?
What shall I sing?

2. Þa on morgenne gehierdun þæt þæs cyninges þegnas, þe him beæftan wærun, þæt se cyning ofslægen wæs.
Then in the morning those of the kings’ thanes who were left behind him heard that the king was slain.

3. Ond hie butu gefliemdon ond longe on dæg sige ahton.
And they put both [armies] to flight and on that day had victory.

4. And us is mycel nedþearf þæt we us sylfe geðencean and gemunan.
And it is greatly needful for us that that we think and remember about ourselves.

5. Þa cirdon hie up on ða ea, for þæm hie no dorston forþ bi þære ea siglan for unfriþe.
Then they turned up into that river, because they did not dare to sail forth from the river due to hostility.


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